Resource Management
Deploying resources effectively within an organisation is fundamental in providing financial sustainability. The review provides impartial, expert business advice on how to make best use of income.
Business Leadership
Business Leadership is a diverse and rewarding role that encompasses a number of strands including human resources, financial management, premises management, business management, ICT and much more.
Benchmarking allows organisations to set a meaningful baseline to compare their performance against others and to identify key trends year on year and create a deeper understanding of your organisation.
Financial Management
The financial service allows organisations to select from a variety of options giving customers the flexibility to select only those services that will provide value added to their organisation.
Internal Scrutiny
The aim of this traded service is to provide independent assurance to the board of Trustees that its financial systems and controls are robust and operating in an effective manner. Internal audit is undertaken on a risk-based approach which identifies low, medium, and high risks, allowing organisations to prioritise accordingly.
Data Protection
Our unique Data Protection Officer (DPO) role supports organisation in complying with the GDPR legislation. The DPO will provide training for all staff, induction guidance for new employees, policies and documentation, assist with Subject Access Requests (SARs) and provide general help desk support.